
Ohio State Chiropractic
Assocaition, Northwest Ohio Chiropractic Association
The Whole Health & Wellness Approach

Welcome to 1st CHOICE CHIROPRACTIC & ACUPUNCTURE, where our name says it all – we are your first choice for exceptional chiropractic and acupuncture services. We specialize in a wide range of chiropractic treatments for a variety of ailments – from sports injuries to auto injuries to simple adjustments to help maintain a balanced and healthy body. We are a husband, wife and niece team dedicated to helping you maintain a balanced and healthy body. Together, the physicians at 1st CHOICE CHIROPRACTIC & ACUPUNCTURE have extensive hours of education encompassing: Chiropractic Manipulation, Acupuncture techniques and accessory therapies like Chinese Cupping, Nutritional care and supplementation, Physical Medicine training and Sports Therapy treatments, as well as skills in neurological and whole body diagnostics. If we cannot help you here, we know how to get you to someone who can help you.
We have witnessed our work change the lives of thousands of people over the many years we have been in practice. There are more and more respectable journals publishing research regarding Chiropractic. They are finding Chiropractic is safer and more successful at treating back pain than drugs or surgery- and is more cost effective! It is also a great preventative approach. Few people realize that regular chiropractic adjustments will help you lead a fuller and healthier lifestyle, in addition to helping your body heal itself from any number of injuries.
Our team of Chiropractic Physicians – Dr. Connie Smith, Dr. Timothy Trax and Dr. Casie Carr – and our friendly, experienced support staff provide a warm and comfortable environment at our dedicated and professional family practice. We’ve been helping our patients live pain-free and healthier since 1987. Our goal is to help you improve your life by helping your body realize its potential to heal itself through chiropractic, acupuncture, and nutritional care.
Request an appointment or consultation with us today! Appointment times are available during convenient hours, including evenings and weekends, so we can see you as soon as possible. We look forward to meeting you!